WELCOME TO Allied Collision Specialists
We are a crash repair and panel beater’s workshop located on Allied Drive in Tullamarine. With over 300 years of combined experience in panel beating, spray painting, mechanical and auto electrical repairs, and every other aspect of crash repairs.
We understand that collisions can be incredibly stressful, so we’ve made it our goal to make the process as stress free as possible for you. We pride ourselves on a quick turnaround, cars never sit around at our workshop, they’re always moving through a stage of the repair process. We even clean and vacuum the car once it’s done, so your car will come out looking as good as new!
We pride ourselves on our responsible waste management. Oven filters are changed often, we use green practices with our dust & fume extraction unit, and we strive to be as climate aware as possible, using recycled and reused materials as much as possible.